Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Some thoughts since Jack's arrival:

1) Bouncer/swing after feeding = Spit Up Fest 2006 featuring Jack Maidy!
2) Always have extra burp cloths on hand
3) Burping is not optional
4) Diaper changes - baptism by pee
5) One free hand is enough to get 5 things done while feeing baby
6) Grandparents are wonderful!
7) ACCEPT help when it's offered (or you'll regret not taking it)
8) Burping is not optional
9) Nail clippers - friend or foe?
10) Date night? Yeah right!
11) Vanity - throw it out the window, you won't care
12) Coffee - heaven sent
13) Breast pumps - a very odd, odd contraption
14) Burping is not optional
15) Jack and I lose hair at the same rate
16) Yes...you CAN over bundle a baby
17) I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the idea of day care
18) Moms are for comfort, Dads are for play (and poopy diapers)
19) Burping is not optional
20) Maternity leave is just long enough for you to feel like a mom....then go back to work! Argh!!!!
21) Motherhood is not a feeling...it is action driven by love
22) Did I mention burping is not optional?


Granny Annie said...

Not sure whether you have realized this yet, or not, but....
burping is not optional!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!