Friday, December 31, 2010

Good -Bye 2010

One change I need to make in 2011.
Stop creating/finding myself in situations where I have to do the opposite of what I actually WANT to do.

Happy New Year - Happy Life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ah - finally a minute or two to take a bio break, eat lunch, and breathe....beeeeaaaathe.
I am entering what I've known as crunch time where work is concerned. And of course, the instant I NEED time to get personal things done, professional obligations come into play.

I don't care. I'm going to make dinner, play with the kids, and go for a nice long bike ride tonight.
Wish there were 3 of me sometimes.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Idiot Blogger

I can blog again! Woo hoo!

I'd really messed up my username/email/access/admin. crap and was not able to blog for the longest time.

Alex fixed. 'Nuff said. :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Small Country

Had coffee for breakfast.
Had a sm. cup of veggie chili and half a chicken salad for lunch with Coke.
Grande Mocha'd with extra shot during food coma at the office.
Had fried rice and 6 potstickers w/ kimchee for dinner.
Had ice cream and Coke for dessert.
Snacked on 3 Korean choco cookies.
Knoshed on 2 mint chocolate pieces.
Contemplated disolving an organic lollipop.

Conclusion - I've eaten a small country and 3 days worth of self esteem.