Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I used to buy underwear

I have harbored a seceret Martha Stewart inside of me. Gads!

I scoffed at scrapbooking, I poked fun of people who shopped at hobby stores, I tossed aside ANYTHING that wreaked of 'home made' or 'home spun' CRAFTS.

My sister recently blogged about wanting to be 18 again. It got me thinking about my younger days as well and how much my interests have changed! Even as recent as 5 years ago, I would NEVER have had any interest in any of the things that interest me now...

I have found myself watching quite a bit of HGTV, and Food Network.
I find decorative pillows a worthwhile investment
I bought a decorative red throw to place at the edge of the bed, just a bit askew...why? I don't know.
I sent out Christmas cards to those I had listed in the address book
I have an organized address book
I have an address file in Excel
I organized the spice cabinet
I have a spice cabinet
I worry that guests may come over and the bathroom will be messy
I worry that burglers will enter the house and steal my Dyson vacuum
I have at LEAST two kinds of jelly/preserve in the house
I am a firm believer in 4 piles of laundry - whites, mediums (this is a highly overlooked pile but a requirement for any launderer who considers him/herself experts), darks, and DRY CLEAN ONLY!

And the warm and fuzzy feelings the holiday brings each year made me put together a holiday baked goods basket which I arranged and packaged myself with cookies and other goodies I made myself.

I find all of this quite amusing and a bit alarming considering I used to go out and buy new underwear to avoid doing the laundry!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


I had such expectations for this film - I'd heard such good things about this film - could it be the next Harry Potter? Would it surpass Harry Potter? Oh, such delicious anticipation!

What a downer! Alex and I went to go see this film - actually paid $9.50 for tix to seet his film. I should have waited till it came out on DVD.

It was not at all what I'd expected. The story line felt forced, rushed, and choppy, and the actors were 'stiff' at best. Best part of the film? The animals and the White Witch. They were fortunately delightful to watch on film as they seemed three dimensional, unlike the lion, Peter, and Susan.

I've been told many times how these tales were childhood favorites for many people. From seeing the film only, I cannot imagine how and why. I will need/like to read the book. I'm sure I will completely understand how these tales became a part of childhood through the books.

As for any threats in surpassing Harry Potter - film wise, no contest! Harry Potter is much more a layered and interesting film than Narnia.

With different direction, screen writing,and editing, it could have been something wonderful!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Things I did in the car...

Yesterday, Mother Nature decided to dump a lot of snow in the Chicago land area.

This made my commute home from work not only interesting, but 3 hours long.

I made an attempt to use my time wisely/productively (because otherwise I would have gone insane, jumped out of my car, run down the length of all the other cars stuck on the road, bang on their windows furiously screaming, "If Pluto's a dog, what the hell is Goofy?!").

1) Called an old friend
2) Called Alex to complain about how I was stuck on the road
3) Listened to Charlie Brown Christmas CD twice
4) Thought about doing anything else besides being stuck on the road
5) Memorized the license plate in front of me
6) Judged Christmas decorations on other people's houses
7) Contemplated walking home
8) Read a Chapter of Steven Hawking's 'A Brief History of the Universe'
9) Contemplated what my options would be if I had to pee really bad
10) Cleaned out the inside of the armrest, side door pockets, the sunglass holder, cup holder (front and back)

I'm buying a sled and keeping it in my time, I'm abandoning my car and going sledding for a few hours.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I have a zit behind my right ear...right where my glasses wrap around my is very painful when I accidentally graze it as I'm pushing my hair behind my ear...ouch. Who gets a zit right there behind your ear?!?!?!?! Stupid me, that's who.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The List

These are in no particular order, nor have they been given any particular thought as to whether someone will actually oblige me with said gift(s) is simply and most elegently....just a list:

1) Hugs and kisses from Ellie on Christmas Day
2) Coach purse (the one I saw at the Coach store down town during my bachlorette sleep over excursion)
3) Travel Make-up case & assorted make-up brushes from Sephora
4) Eye glass strap/holder (you know that thing you wear around your neck...librarians wear them)
5) Winter coat (J.Crew peacoat, red)
6) Oprah 20th Anniversary DVD
7) Cook books (baking!)
8) Subscription to Vogue (1 year)0
9) Savings Account
10) Facial