Thursday, December 20, 2007


I hate being sick.

I've been sick since Kate's birthday back in mid November and it's been non-stop fun from there on.

The on set of a soar throat, the tiredness and fatigue, the dryness in your nose, then congestion, sinus pressure and pain, the coughing for no good reason, the sleepless nights tossing and turning to get one good breath in through your one open nostril....ah, the head cold.

Eventually my chest hurts from coughing so much - no one gets much sleep as they are forced to lay awake listening to me cough, than gag, then lose my breath, then do it all over again all night long.

In the past two days I've gone through 2 boxes of tissue - and that's just at work. Alex bought me another vaporizer so that I can give myself a steam treatment. It does wonders to loosen up congestion in your head and chest. I also plan to gargle with salt water tonight so that my throat doesn't get any worse. Right now it feels raw - I am eating ice cream as anything cool seems to help.

The worst thing about being sick is that I cannot play with Jack the way I'd like. I'm hoping to feel at least 70% better by Saturday for some gingerbread house making at Wany's. I do not want to feel miserable for that.