Monday, July 09, 2007

Going West

I am leaving for Salinas CA today. I will not be returning home till Saturday. This means I will be without the Fudge for 5.5 days. I miss him already.

I took Jack to daycare this morning around 8am. Talked to the teachers in the infant room and let them know I would be out all week. My last image of him today - he was sitting on the floor with a ring toy of some sort watching his classmates. He did not even look my way when I said good-by to him. In a way, this is a good thing - Jack is a social child, but on the other hand, I was saddened a bit that he didn't respond to me. But then again, Jack doesn't mind me leaving as much as he minds Alex leaving.

Jack is a daddy's boy. Sigh. The two of them are thick as thieves. :-)

I don't think Jack will notice I'm not around till about day 3...."Hey, where's the other big kid around here?"

I wonder how long it will be before I break down in tears. I've been on a business trip before, but that was a one nighter - left on Wednesday, came back Thursday.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

EJ said...

I know it's HARD! Hang in there. Each day will be ok b/c you'll be busy with work. As long as you don't see other kids, even better. Each night is hard but one day closer to holding your little boy!