Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hello? Social Security?

The instructions say it will take 8-13 minutes to read through the instructions on how to fill out a change of name for my SSN card. 8-13 minutes? Did they sit a bunch of yahoos around a conference table and time how long it took them to read it? 13 minutes is rather random. Anyway, I digress...

It took me 20 minutes to get through the whole thing (the first time). I make no excuses. I'm not terribly intuitive when it comes to these form thing-a-ma-jigs. All of a sudden I turn into a three year old.

Despite myself, I completed the form. I was happy for two seconds. During the 3rd second, I realized that since I was not born in the US, I needed to provide another piece of documentation...either my passport or naturalization document. I chose the passport. Okay, I thought, I got through this....I am done, right? Wrong.

I had to mail this request for name change on my SSN, so I needed an address to send it to. You'd think it would just be one, all inclusive office of SS Administration, but that is not the case. Apparently, there's a SS office in Elgin, right next to the Casino (sigh...shaking of head...sigh). I called the SS hot line to get the address. I'm done, right? Wrong.

I needed something to put the documents in so I could mail it to the SS office next to the casino. I panic ('cause I'm really good at panicking for no good reason when the solution has not dawned on me yet). Fortunately, my ability to quickly send myself into a tizzy (panic) is complimented by my random, but detailed memory. I do have manilla envelopes! They are in the small closet next to my not yet dry cleaned wedding dress and veil... on the floor, right side, next to telescope lenses I no longer use. I put the documents inside the envelope. I'm done, right? Wrong.

How much postage do I adhere? For regualr letters, $0.37 does the trick. However, how much postage do you adhere to a 9x12 flat envelope? At least a dollar's worth...right? Hmmm. Well, I'm not going to figure this out or 'guestimate' this one. I'd hate to find my envelope returned or even worse, traveling somewhere in the mail system with important documents I'll never get back. I decide to play this one safe.

Alex will take it to the post office tomorrow and stamp the exact amount needed to ensure my request will be received safely.

I'm done.


Anonymous said...


EJ said...

One step closer to being Mrs. Maidy. Wait till you do other things. They are all so inconsistent. I haven't done major things like "mortage/car". Figure that there is no need at this point.

QueenWanydala said...

my credit rating is not so well. i have to fix something about my name or ss number too. and i still have to update my driver's liscense.

you are in good shape.

slacker said...

all the paperwork... i was 100% ok with Wany not changing her name...