Friday, December 09, 2005

Things I did in the car...

Yesterday, Mother Nature decided to dump a lot of snow in the Chicago land area.

This made my commute home from work not only interesting, but 3 hours long.

I made an attempt to use my time wisely/productively (because otherwise I would have gone insane, jumped out of my car, run down the length of all the other cars stuck on the road, bang on their windows furiously screaming, "If Pluto's a dog, what the hell is Goofy?!").

1) Called an old friend
2) Called Alex to complain about how I was stuck on the road
3) Listened to Charlie Brown Christmas CD twice
4) Thought about doing anything else besides being stuck on the road
5) Memorized the license plate in front of me
6) Judged Christmas decorations on other people's houses
7) Contemplated walking home
8) Read a Chapter of Steven Hawking's 'A Brief History of the Universe'
9) Contemplated what my options would be if I had to pee really bad
10) Cleaned out the inside of the armrest, side door pockets, the sunglass holder, cup holder (front and back)

I'm buying a sled and keeping it in my time, I'm abandoning my car and going sledding for a few hours.

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