Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I used to buy underwear

I have harbored a seceret Martha Stewart inside of me. Gads!

I scoffed at scrapbooking, I poked fun of people who shopped at hobby stores, I tossed aside ANYTHING that wreaked of 'home made' or 'home spun' CRAFTS.

My sister recently blogged about wanting to be 18 again. It got me thinking about my younger days as well and how much my interests have changed! Even as recent as 5 years ago, I would NEVER have had any interest in any of the things that interest me now...

I have found myself watching quite a bit of HGTV, and Food Network.
I find decorative pillows a worthwhile investment
I bought a decorative red throw to place at the edge of the bed, just a bit askew...why? I don't know.
I sent out Christmas cards to those I had listed in the address book
I have an organized address book
I have an address file in Excel
I organized the spice cabinet
I have a spice cabinet
I worry that guests may come over and the bathroom will be messy
I worry that burglers will enter the house and steal my Dyson vacuum
I have at LEAST two kinds of jelly/preserve in the house
I am a firm believer in 4 piles of laundry - whites, mediums (this is a highly overlooked pile but a requirement for any launderer who considers him/herself experts), darks, and DRY CLEAN ONLY!

And the warm and fuzzy feelings the holiday brings each year made me put together a holiday baked goods basket which I arranged and packaged myself with cookies and other goodies I made myself.

I find all of this quite amusing and a bit alarming considering I used to go out and buy new underwear to avoid doing the laundry!

1 comment:

slacker said...

thanks for taking out the trash!!! mails are on hold until we return. needle swallowing furry creature will be picked up on Thursday by us... unless you want to pick her up on Wednesday? =)... they close at 4pm...