Monday, June 02, 2008


The home improvements are almost done....just a couple more things to do and then we'll be done for the Summer...well, the year actually.

I am glad it's coming to an end as it means Alex and I will no longer have to take advantage of my brother-in-laws expertise in home improvements. Without Jae, I don't think we could have made any of the improvements around the house correctly.

My sister is very lucky to have married to such a handy guy! Don't get me wrong, Alex knows how to fix things here and there too, but they are mostly internet/software based and only to a certain degree.

Jae single handedly remodeled his entire kitchen on his own.

We have learned a lot from this experience.

1) pay the extra $100 to have new fridge installed by someone else instead of enlisting the help of your brother-in-law at the last minute.

2) measure depth, width of new fridge from the quarter round point, not where the wall starts less you plan on removing said quarter round and base board to fit the new fridge.

3) pay the extra $100 to have new fridge installed by someone else instead of enlisting the hlep of your borther-in-law at the last minute....did I already mention this?

When we are ready to move from this place, I believe we will be hiring professional movers to do the hard work instead of trying to do it ourselves. We just have way too much stuff now than ever.

But our place really did need all the upgrades we made this Summer - it'll prove to be a good return on our investment.

So what is left? A new stove for my mom's place, a new water heater and bathroom flooring for our place which will be done when the Florida Maidys are in town for Ben's arrival.

1 comment:

slacker said...

What's family for if you can't use them time to time? I wish I had someone around who knew what he was doing on some of my project the first time around. You get to benefit from my past trials and errors.