Thursday, September 22, 2005

I Plead Stupid

Who would leave money out in the open for anyone to take? Me!

I had lunch at Big Bowl today with a co-worker. She had cash, I didn't, so I charged the whole meal on my debit card and the co-worker gave me her portion of the bill in cash. Perfect, right? Nope.

I left it at the table. Don't ask why I didn't put it in my wallet immediately upon receipt of said funds. It just didn't happen.

I didn't realize till I made my way out of the house for a quick trip to the store, and to deposit a refund check at the bank (refund check for the monitor we bought two months they're slow!).

Store - With my purchase already scanned through the self check-out station and placed neatly in the bag, I dig into my wallet expecting $15 in cash for my $12.37 purchase. My head starts reeling...did I take the cash from the table? I had no memory. Maybe I'd grabbed it and just put in my purse. Of course, I couldn't check my purse because it was at home. I'd only walked out with my wallet. Argh. I pay with my debit card.

Next was the trip to the bank to deposit the refund check - envelope deposit. I pull up to the machine, grab a deposit envelope and automatically reach for my purse which is usually on the passenger seat, but which is now at home, possibly with $15 from lunch in it. Okay, now I'm mad. I have no pen to write anything on my deposit envelope! No pen in the car either. Dag!

Upon arriving back at home, I dig through my purse. No money. Taking a HUGE leap of faith, I call Big Bowl. Maybe our waiter is an upright, honest, hard working American who'd turned in the cash thinking the owner of said money would realize her dumb over- sight and call for her money later that evening....

Sadly, our waiter saw an opportunity, authored by a sometimes empty headed customer, and made off with a $15 'tip'.


slacker said...

Next time you go there and get the same waiter, you'll get a really good service... Well, let's hope.

QueenWanydala said...

congrats! you're on your way to becoming Mom. he he he...

EJ said...

I wish I was your waiter.

Are you planning to go back? Wonder if the person who waited on you will remember you?

slacker said...

In last 9 years, Yankees went to World Seris 6 times. Won 4 and Lost 2. Yankees haven't won since 2000. Before 1996, the last time Yankees made to WS was in 1981. 15 year absentee. In that 15 year span they were in post season once which they lost in the Divisional series. Atlanta on the other hand have won 14th straight division titles. An upsurd number. Yet they are not hated like the Yankees even though they are in the post season every year. It's probably because they don't have George as their owner and they haven't won as many WS.

I know that doesn't make case to like the Yankees. They are easy to hate especially in Chi town where baseball team owners who "CAN" spend money "WON'T". Steinbrenner is perfectly willing to spend money to field a winning team.. Cubs can spend so much more money to get better players with the market they have. Yet the Tribune company won't do it because bottom line means more to them. This is a problem of ownership where they play small market ball in a big market city. It's easy to hate the Yankees but I say yell at the Tribune company instead of hating Yankees.

With the market Cubs have, they should be in post season contention every year.

Ok.. that's my $0.02. =)

I know I am in the minority here. I get beat up a lot about people hating the Yankees, which I guess is perfectly normal around here.

I don't like Boston not only because of rivalry but because they have player like Manny. Before that Pedro. I am starting to come around on Cubs with Sosa's departure but still waiting to see when they will stop whinning and just play.

Sorry for long comment. Postseason is starting and I am obsessed with baseball...

I would love to see Yankees/Cubs World Series. I might have to move out of state when that happens for safety just like the time I was cheering for Utah against the Bulls. ha ha ha...