Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Dare

Man, I have GOT to do something about eating better. I always mean well and get salad bags and stuff to take for lunch the next day, but I never manage to get them to the office. Because I am in a hurry, I always end up packing a frozen dinner/lunch thing. It's horrible.

And I never get enough water in the day. I prefer coffee, Coke, or Diet Coke with a lime. And I never work out. I dream about getting up earlier in the morning or going out after I put Jack to bed to get at least a 30 minute walk, but that never happens.

I barely get up in time to put powder on my face! And after Jack’s been put to bed, I’m pooped and don’t want to do another thing, or have other things I need to take care of for the next day (too bad one of the ‘next day’ item is not putting together a salad for lunch at the office).
Are there just not enough hours in the day to get all I want to do done? Or am I just not DOING them?

Someone once told me that as far as working out goes, if you have the mindset that your workout time is an option, it’ll never get done; it has to become a ‘must’. You don’t have a choice; you don’t base the decision to work out on how you ‘feel’ that day.


I am curious though…the kind of curiosity a mad scientist would have looking at some plutonium and nitrogen. What IF I challenged myself to do as I want, and not do as I feel? What if I became militant about keeping to a routine and/or schedule for MYSELF too?
How would I change? And how quickly would that change take place? Would it change who I am?

There are a handful of things I’ve changed for the better in my life, marriage and Jack are the result of some of these changes. But the hardest for me to learn/fix was to manage my money better after my father passed away, and to quit smoking before I got pregnant.

COULD I take on the challenge of getting my butt out there every day? I read it takes at least 21-23 to kick a habit or obtain one.

I’ll have to engineer a ‘habit’ to get myself out there for 30 minutes once a day.

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