Wednesday, March 14, 2007


First, my apologies for not having blogged in quite a while.

I have been happily busy trying to spend as much time as I can with my son, Jack.
He makes the daily grind of the work place worth it. I was telling a friend of mine yesterday how I wished I had Jack sooner. He is too much fun! He's awesome. I cannot remember what life was like without Jack.

I can no longer hold out to fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I was trying to stave off buying clothes I'd fit into now in my bigger state. However, I have gotten sick of rotating the same 3-4 shirts and 2 jeans throughout the week. I need to buy clothes without spending an arm and a leg, and also to find things that will actually fit me without going to the maternity section.

I admit it freely, I am still wearing maternity jeans. Why? They are super comfortable! And I am still super fat in the middle. Jack was a big kid! Give me a break...I'm gonna look big in the middle for a little bit longer, okay?

The above being said, I also need to actively do something to drop the pounds. I am currently on SlimFast...I'll let you know how that goes. I've been on it for a week now and have not dropped a single pound...probably cause I have a dessert every night after dinner at home (vanilla icecream and Oreo cookies). I should probably stop that. Also, I have not been working out. I have not even done so much as 30 minutes of walking. So I'll just stop wondering why I haven't lost a single pound now.

My J.Crew card is paid off. I want to buy!!!!!!!!! Damn the internet!

1 comment:

QueenWanydala said...

slim fast used to give me diarrhea. hate it.

my work out regimen: walk around with Kate...yes...all 14 pounds of her gets heavy after ten minutes. She's the perfect weight for toning my arms as well. Who needs barbells when we've got our kids? Though I think if you started weight training with Jack, your arms may look like a football player's. =)

Oh, we should get jogging strollers!