Saturday, August 25, 2007


I am hopeless!

After many years of debate and failing eye sight, I finally decided to take the plunge and get contact lenses.

I was very nervous about putting the contacts in my eye. I should have been more nervous about getting them out.

I've ripped a total of 3 lenses so far. I've had contacts less than a week. I ripped the right lense first - they were stepped on (I thought I'd put them in the case after removing them from my right eye, but I had not - I dropped them on the bathroom floor). Then I ripped the left lense (same thing - thought I put it in the case, didn't, fell to bathroom floor). The third incident was the new left lense. I took them out, put them in the case and leaned in close to make sure the lense was in the case and not stuck to my finger or hanging on the side of the case wall when I noticed something that I thought was white debris or air bubble. It wasn't either. It was a rip.

I'm upset. Ripping your contacts is a normal thing when you first try them but three in one week? That's just a sign from God that you shouldn't wear them, or in my case, handle them.

Alex told me these things happen when you first get contacts and that it took him a couple of weeks before he got the hang of it. But here's the took him a few weeks when he was a grade schooler, just a grammer school kid! So if we were to translate that time in 'working professional' world/age that would actually be about 2-3 days!

I think I will ask for a month's worth of contacts so that I can practice for the next two weeks.

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