Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cat Naps

I have begun to fall asleep on the couch promptly at 7:30pm these past few nights. Then I wake up around 9pm to find the the kitchen table cleared of dinner, the sink empty of dirty dishes, and Jack toys neatly piled/put away. I guess this is what Alex does while I'm napping.

The other day he mentioned that I started snoring. Yes, I can believe that. Pregnancy makes your nose congested, and being in the late late stage of pregnancy now, I'm more fatigued than ever, so snoring would be a natural thing to do.

Tonight, I woke up to the sound of screaming in the middle of my nap. Alex was indulging in his zombie fettish by watching 28 weeks later. Sigh. I have no idea why zombie movies appeal to him, but he's been working so hard around the house, at work, and just looking after Jack lately that I could not ask him to change the channel.

I have been cranky, grouchy, mean, and moody lately....even more so than usual. I don't know how much longer Alex will tolerate this.

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