Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby Update

Still no baby....but I'm being warned by my doctor's office that it could be any day now. I am officially 37 weeks, which means I am official considered full term. This means Ben is fully developed and will have no trouble breathing and being on his own if he were to be born from this point on.

And I really wish he would come out soon. I am getting bigger and heavier by the minute it seems.

Yesterday we had a very nice warm day and my ankles swelled up to the size of small oranges. It was uncomfortable to say the least. I see people looking at me like, 'Oh my gosh, when are you due? You poor thing, you must be so uncomfortable!' and at first I appreciate their sympothy...then the reality of how big I must seem sets in. Wow, so I must look like a blimp.

A well meaning Taco Bell drive up employee recently commented on how big I was. I don't think she had any clue in ettiquettes or the what the scowl on my face meant as she kept mentioning how big I was. I wanted to deck her! I wanted to say things I could not say in front of the Fudge.

Of course Alex knew exactly what I was thinking and felt because the minute the Taco Bell girl opened her mouth he turned right to me with a question on his face...."so are you going to kill her? And if so, how? Just let me know so I can get out of your way."

I can't help that Alex was the size of a 4 month old baby the day he was born (he was over 9 pounds - my poor, poor mother-in-law!). I can't help that I am vertically challenged.

I look like a pregnant tomoato on toothpicks. And to make things worse, I cannot even eat the things I want which most women take for granted in late pregnancy. I have this stupid GD to deal with.

Sitting is not comfortable for me any more. The sheer weight of Ben is cutting off circulation to my legs. I must recline, or lay side ways to get relief....then I fall asleep.

I am almost 3cm dilated, and the baby's head has dropped considerably. I think my body can sense the closeness of Ben's arrival. I want to take 10 cat naps a day and don't really have the energy to do much else. The pain in my pelvis makes walking, sitting, standing, or even turning over in my bed painful/uncomfortable.

This is the last one. If I have another one, the chances of developing GD rises considerably. Also, I am too damn old to go through this again. This is the last one. So unless we win the lotto or Alex lands a gig as a highly compensated corporate executive and I can stay at home and hire a nanny to watch the kids and serve me, I am not doing this again.

I've heard the 3rd one throws parents over the edge....well of course it does....you're out numbered by the time you have three! It's a numbers game. Duh.

1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

Picture! Picture!