Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I have a date!

Yes, it's true! I have a date this Friday and it is not with my husband. Gasp!
No worries or gossip to be had here....I am meeting a couple of my female coworkers from the office.

Our department has recently had a re-org. so I'm sure there will be plenty of things to discuss related to the change as well as other gossip that I've missed out on since 6/6.

I am glad to be out of the house every now and then as it helps keep my sanity. I am so terribly thankful to have my sister in law here to help me as well. I don't know what kind of mental state I'd be in if it weren't for her help and company.

Anyway, just wanted to note that I am in much better mood since my last post. I think it's because I'm actually getting things done around the house, am able to check my work email, and I've actually started making a list of things I'd like to do or get done this month. Yes, the planning Taylor is back! Woo hoo! Today I dumped all of Ben's feeding times and amounts into .xls format. I needed to do something like that (I know for most of you this isn't exciting). I think Ben is trying to develop a pattern of sleep and wakefulness. I'm beginning to feel more and more like myself again.

Okay, the B-man awakes. Gotta go change his diaper and get him fed on schedule.

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