Monday, August 29, 2005

Picture Day

I have to wake an hour earlier tomorrow morning. I have to put on make up and 'fix' my hair.

I will be getting a new driver's license with my married name.
Yes, I will lie when they ask me if I'm still the same weight as what is reflected on my license currently...but I will be an organ donor, so that will counter act the 'badness' of the lie.

Also, I discovered (by getting a ticket) my license plate sticker expired in April. Sigh.

Cannot go today - work abounds! Will have to go tomorrow.

Dragged my sorry butt to the DMV and got a new license, I also got it renewed (don't have to go back till 2010!).
I have a new DL# starts with M. Without going into too much detail, what should have been a 40 minute process took 1.5 hours. The DMV does not accept debit cards as payment. Sigh.


QueenWanydala said...

I can't wait to see it! That also reminds me, I have to update mine. The weight on my driver's liscense says 105 lbs. Ha!

EJ said...

I think I changed mine once, when I turned 21 and haven't thought to change it since, why? I can't wait to see it too.

Caffeinator said...

just happened to see your comment on jae's blog about chicago's seasons being winter and construction...well, the winters recently have been kinda mild, and if you've noticed, the workers seem to continue into the winter months because of that. so to sum up, now there's only one season in chicago - construction! argh!